Sunday, January 20, 2008

Lesson 1: Anata no kazoku (Your Family)

Today's lesson revolves around the family. The Japanese have special words to address their own family and to address other people's family (as a sign of respect).

When addressing your own family, you use the following words:
1) My Father Chi Chi ちち
2) My Mother Ha Ha      はは
3) My Elder brother Ani        あに  
4) My Elder sister Ane       あね
5) My Younger brother Ototo      おとと
6) My Younger sister Imoto      いもと
7) My Grandfather Sofu       そふ
8) My Grandmother Sobo       そぼ

When addressing other people's famiy:
1) Father Otousan       お父さん
2) Mother Okaasan       お母さん
3) Elder brother Oniisan        お兄さん
4) Elder sister Oneesan       お姉さん
5) Younger brother Otoutosan      弟さん
6) Younger sister Imoutosan      妹さん
7) Grandfather Ojiisan        お祖父さん
8) Grandmother Obaasan       お祖母さん

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Japanese for Beginners - Lesson 1 - Common Words/Phrases

1) Hai              はい            (Yes)  
2)Iie              いいえ           (No)
3)Ohayo Gozaimasu  おはよう ございます   (Good Morning)
4)Konnichiwa       こんにちは         (Good Afternoon)
5)Konbanwa        こんばんは         (Good Evening)
6)Oyasumi nasai     おやすみ なさい     (Good Night)
7)Arigatou Gozaimasu ありがとう ございます  (Thank you)
8)Doitashi mashite    どいたし まして     (You’re welcome)
9)Sayonara         さよなら           (Goodbye)
10)Sumimasen      すみません         (Excuse me)

11)Watashi          わたし            (I)
12)Anata           あなた            (You)
13)Watashi tachi     わたし たち        (We)
14)Anata tachi       あなた たち        (They)
15)Ano hito         あの ひと         (That person, he, she)
16)Kare            かれ             (He, that boy)
17)Kanojo          かのじょ           (She, that girl)
18)Minasan         みなさん           (Ladies and Gentlemen, all of you)

19)Sensei           せんせい          (Teacher)
20)Gakusei          がくせい           (Student)