Chapter 6 比較
1) Comparisons between 2 items
Q : N1 は N2 より 。。。ですか。 [Is N1 better than N2?]
A1: はい、 N1 は N2 より 。。。です。 [Yes, N1 is better than N2]
A2: いいえ、N1 は N2 ほど 。。。ではありません。/。。。くない です。[No, N1 is not as good as N2]
2)Comparison with Choice of 2 items
Q: N1 と N2 と、どちら が 。。。ですか。[Between N1 and N2, which one is better?]
A: (N1 より) N2 のほう が いいです。 [N2 is better (than N1).]
3) Comparisons for more than 2 items
Q: N1 と N2 と N3 (の中)で、どれ が いちばん...ですか。[Among N1, N2, and N3, which is the most...?]
A:N1 が いちばん。。。です。[N1 is the most...]
4) Comparisons among bad things (said when dissatisfied)
N1 は N2 より (は) ましだ [N1 is a little better than N2 (but just as bad)]
5) Comparison between 2 items (written format - same as item 1):
N1は N2に 比べると。。。[N1, compared to N2, is (better)...]
N1は N2に 比べて。。。 [N1, compared to N2, is (better)...]
N2に 比べると N1は。。。[Compared to N2, N1 is (better)...]
N2に くらべて N1は。。。 [Compared to N2, N1 is (better)...]
Chapter 7 程度
1) Comparisons between 2 items
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